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Alexander Treschev

Alexander Treshchev is an attorney practicing law in Moscow Russia.   He earned his degree from the prestigious M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University law school.  Upon completion of his studies, he was assigned to service in North Korea and Afghanistan.

By decree of then-President Michael Gorbachev, he was appointed as a judge in the military court of the armed forces. However, he subsequently left this career on ideological grounds and without any legal repercussions from the government. 

Thereafter, Alex worked in various consulting legal and consulting firms and represented numerous high level politicians and officials of the top companies of Russia.  He has protected the Federation Council in matters before the Constitutional Court, as well as defended the interests of the Russian Federation abroad.  Many of the legal cases in which Alexander Treschev played a leading role were widely covered in the Russian and foreign mass media.

Alex is one of the best known lawyers in Russia, is currently President of the European Lawyers Association in Russia, and is actively engaged in professional and public work in and on behalf of Russia.  Alex is very visible in nationally broadcast television and radio programs and is the author of a best-selling series of books entitled "National Lawyer."  These books present legal issues, situations and approaches to solutions in plain, understandable language.

Alex Treschev and Mark Robertson have worked together on a wide range of projects over the past six years in such areas as telecommunications, international trade facilitation and debt/equity investment.

Contact Alexander Treschev